a nudge
a few weeks ago I was at a ski resort, waiting in the locker room for Sam to get changed.
I noticed a young guy sitting at the table, studying from a textbook..."geography?" a man asked.
"No, meteorology", the young guy answered.
I felt a nudge, you know the nudge that kicks you out of your shy state.
So we started talking, this young studying guy and I.
He wants to be a pilot, I learn. So we talk about fear of flying, prop planes, London, Virgin Atlantic, Top Gear and the guy from that show who survived an accident on camera, barely.
Off we go, we say bye bye when the bus takes us to our destination.
I hear soon after about a fatal car accident involving this young guy. It's unreal.
So I learn this...get out of your comfort zone. Talk, share, smile, and feel the nudge.